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ATM Turbo
Spectrum 128


Development, tools, the description of system...

Concept DOORS \AQUA (it not simply operational system)
Tools - here the small review of the tools written for раработки of DOORS \AQUA. environment
Components of system:
Loading at level BIOS'а (kickstart 3.0)
BootLoader - the loader of operational system
Kicker - the manager of processes
sHell - the console of operational system
AEDA - graphic interface DOORS\AQUA
CAYSY - component DOORS \AQUA responsible for a sound
NESSI - конфигурирование iron OS, system of drivers

Hardware the-driver (at a level of iron/lowlevel):
The driver of ports HDD (IDE)
The driver of ports CDROM (ATAPI)
The driver of ports Printer
The driver of ports Keyboard
The driver of ports Digital Sound Card (SounDrive, Covox, General Sound (?), DMA UltraSound Card)
The driver of ports Mouse
The driver of ports Floppy
The driver of ports Modem (RS232, CDOS (?))
The driver of ports Beeper
The driver of ports AY

Software the-driver (at level OS/highlevel):
The driver of file system HPFS (hight perfomance for speccy)
The driver of file system TR-DOS
The driver of file system FAT
The driver of file system ISDOS
The driver of file system CP/M
The driver of the printer (dotmatrix standard EPSON)
The driver of the modem (standard HAYES)

LARA - a component, responsible for disk operations (File System)
MILA - work with libraries and other modules
EMMA - керналь 6.0 - DOORS \AQUA
IOMA - a component of work with memory
Speccy WorkBench 2004 - the manager, work with files.

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