Welcome to a page devoted, to one of the longest projects on ZX-Spectrum - operational system Doors. How many already time began and I threw this invention:) one, probably, to the God knows, well and probably to my friends who were not simply witnesses of creation of this system, but also accepted feasible participation, brought the contribution to development and creation of the given system. The given system has begun the development in far 1995-1996 under the guise command Spectrum Warriors, then work has been continued under banners of legendary group Ascendancy Creative Labs. But also later some years I have decided to revive this idea already in structure of other command Fishbone Crew. Certainly now not so it is a lot of free time: (as was earlier... But in process of occurrence of this I shall move ahead and narrate about the promotions in section develop, in the same place you can gather the information on the concept of system as a whole.
It is a little about sections of the given site:
history - full history of creation Doors from 1995 for 2000, on years and dates.
site news - as it is clear from the name here news of project Doors \AQUA. Are published
screens - various screenshots on the given theme (Doors and all that with it is connected).
software - the description of programs under operational system Doors\Aqua.
develop - section for those who wishes to write itself programs for OS Doors \Aqua.
download - section where it is possible skachat components of system and the program.
  feedback - here you can leave the opinion on the given site, system as a whole, to ask questions interesting you. And to leave valuable remarks.
If you were interested in this project and would like to take part in its development, write to the this address
Or call by phone
+375 294 572259 (Oleg)