Soft, programs and all rest, that is possible skachat:)...
2004 | HardDisk Search and test 0.05 | The New version for search of a hard disk and a conclusion of the information on it. Such for example, as quantity of heads, cylinders, sectors, the version of an insertion, and many other things. In the complete set go otkompilirovannye fire wood under controllers Nemo\KAYe Scorpion \SMUC for which use, nebhodimo to rename sootvetsvujushchy a file in drv_0.05. C. The driver were tested on real spectra and work 100 %.
New in this version:
The driver from the previous versions are not compatible! Therefore the name of drivers has been changed! drv_0.05 - where 0.05 version HDST!
The structure of the driver has changed, now addresses for reading from ports and records in them have various value. As consequence previous vesii are not compatible!! The given introduction is made for podderki controller SPRINTER.
At the request of workers:) support ATAPI is added. In drivers have appeared sootvetsvujushchie commands, and now not having found HDD the program tries to find out CD-Rom. And then deduces the information on the given device!
Subroutines in drivers on processing signals BUSY and expectations DRQ are forwarded. Earlier they could turns in an infinite cycle that caused lag: (now it is possible to leave them and on timeout, thus A will contain *FF. If all ok, *00
At start of the program the list of ports and them sodezhimoe at present is deduced. If all values from ports are identical (for example *ff) the prevention about possible otsutsvii controller HDD is deduced, and that you act on the fear and risk!
Changes in the driver. There was one more command GET_ERROR. Which returns in the accumulator value from the register of mistakes. The decision to bear this port as separate procedure, for those controllers which do not provide access to the register of mistakes was accepted! That zameniti them on zaglushku, where A it is always equal *00 (are not present mistakes)
| HardDisk Search and test 0.03 | 
The Given program carries out search of a hard disk and a conclusion of the information on it. Such for example, as quantity of heads, cylinders, sectors, the version of an insertion, and many other things. In the complete set go otkompilirovannye fire wood under controllers Nemo\KAYe Scorpion \SMUC for which use, nebhodimo to rename sootvetsvujushchy a file in drv_0.03. C. The driver were tested on real spectra and work 100 %.
| 2003 - 2004 | Object File Creator 1.01 for DOORS \AQUA | The Given program prepares relotsiruemye modules (files OBJ) for their further compilation in uniform kernal by means of Doors Kernel Builder. More in detail about it it is possible to read through here.
| Doors \AQUA Kernel Builder 1.01 for DOORS \AQUA | The Given program collects modules (OBJ) in uniform kernal. More in detail about it it is possible to read through here.
| HDE v 1.0 (hard disk editor) | 
As the basic applicability of the given program is clear from the name is a work with a hard disk. It allows to edit contents rigid distka both in HEO, and in ASCII a mode. More in detail about it it is possible to read through here. (unfortunately in the program serious bugs and while it is not accessible to uploading) Were found out
| 2000 | DOORS 2000 (first demo) | It is the first release kernalja Doors 2000. The example was written hurriedly, is pure for demostratsii the graphic interface, specially for Nhaos Construction demoparty.
| Disk demo for DOORS 2000 | It is an example of realization of disk functions on the basis of kernalja doors 2000.
| AMP demo for DOORS 2000 | It is an example of realization of system skinov on the basis of kernalja doors 2000. a set example reproduces the musical module.
| Icon Editor (demo) for DOORS 2000 | The Editor ikonok on the basis of kernalja doors 2000. Specially for magazine Scenergy.
| Interface demo (DOORS 2000) | The Small sketch showing to an opportunity of graphic system doors 2000.
| mIRC (demo) for DOORS 2000 | Wild serets:) has simply thrown up to a heap.
| DOORS 2000 (LAST DEMO) | Last demo (workbench) on a cursor of system doors 2000.
| 1998 - 1999 | DOORS ' 98/99 | It is the first and last versiija systems DOORS ' 99. In the complete set on a disk go BIOS (the initial loader), Workbench, Helper and some other programs written under Doors 98/99. In the given version support podkatalogovoj systems and three-symbolical expansions of files is realized!
| 1997 | View and Print 4.8 for Doors ' 97 | It is the second release written with use kernalja doors 97. The program prednaznachana for viewing screen files (SCR) and listings on the printer. In the complete set go dravera for printers (compact +, robotron, kay)
| 1996 | View and Print 4.5 for Doors ' 96 | It is the real program first more or less written with use kernalja doors 96. The program prednaznachana for viewing screen files (SCR) and listings on the printer. In the complete set go dravera for printers (compact +, robotron, kay)
| 1995 | Windows System: graphics station (doors ' 95) | It is the first attempt to realize window system still in far 1995. The given release does not bear any information loading and is given here more likely as a curiosity.