\develop \tools
Concept - kontseptom, but it would be desirable real actions:) yes, it certainly, but not all so is fast as it would be desirable...
In this section predstavlenny programs which have been developed specially for a writing doors \aqua and \or using partially or completely kernal new system. Anyhow - intrumentary (for increase - press a picture):
HDE v 1.0
(hard disk editor)
As the basic applicability of the given program is clear from the name is a work with a hard disk. In due time it is remembered was such DiskDoctor - which it allowed to be picked in TR-DOS diskettes at a level dampinga, from these promptings and the given program has been written. It allows to edit contents rigid distka both in HEO, and in ASCII a mode. Navigation on a disk is carried out in as in mode CHS (cyls \head \sec), and in mode LSN. The given system in view of features HPFS Is realized. At that time (March 2003) I was engaged in studying of the given system, with that that in the further to realize all this on Speccy. From interfesov - 100 % are supported the KAY-controller of a hard disk by (C) NEMO, on nem-that and the program was written, the system of drivers that allows to write (theoretically) the driver under any controller of a hard disk is realized. There is a driver under SMUC \Scorpion - but it was not tested! So keep in mind! skachat the program it is possible in section download. At the program minimal requirements work on ZX-Spectrum 48k + TRDOS + HDD also is theoretically possible. If there will be any questions or wishes velkom in soap or write in feedback.
OFC v 0.1
(object file creator)
Object File Creator is first of two utilities which have been specially written for creation kernalja. It prepares relotsiruemyj the module which then is mounted in kernal. At start of the program names of files, otkompilirovannyh under different addresses are set, but one and same procedure \subroutine or is simple components kernalja. Then the code of the program is analyzed and the table for relotsiruemosti (many thanks for the help for the given procedures - Shaitan \Stars Of Keladan - Max Shashkin) is made. After creation of the table, to you will suggest to enter some informatsiiju about given a component (the Name, the author, the version...) and then on a diskette the file in the form of *.OBJ Will be kept
In the given program it is used beta-ea?iaeu versions 6 and the system console (AQUA sHell 0.1) for work OFC and the test kernalja as a whole. At the program low requirements work on ZX-Spectrum 128 k + TRDOS also is possible. If there will be any questions or wishes velkom in soap or write in feedback. Skachat the program it is possible in section download.
DKB v 0.01
(Doors Kernel Builder)
If Object File Creator-prepares modules for kernalja doors kernel builder - collects this all together in one module. At start of system searches for a configuration file. Analyzes it and then podgruzhaet komponety, described in it. On an output we receive otkompilirovannyj a file, from *C000 (49152 address. Inside of which we have received something of type of such tablet of addresses:
3 bajta JP INIT (procedure of initialization, zaglushka)
5 bytes the version kernalja (in format ASCII, for example 06.00)
3 bajta JP ADDR1 (procedures of subroutines kernalja further follow)
3 bajta JP ADDR2
3 bajta JP ADDR3
3 bajta JP ADDRN
After creation kernalja, to you will suggest to enter a name of a file and then on a diskette it will be kept in the form of *.SYS In the program used beta-ea?iaeu versions 6 and the system console (AQUA sHell 0.1) for work DKB and the test kernalja as a whole. At the program low requirements work on ZX-Spectrum 128 k + TRDOS also is possible. If there will be any questions or wishes velkom in soap or write in feedback. Skachat the program it is possible in section download.
AE v 4.0
(Attr Editor)
Attr Editor is small utilitka for creation of visual effects by means of attributes of the screen. Easier speaking, the small editor in whom it is possible to set sequence of a conclusion of attributes on the screen than and to receive original display of a picture. The program is simple up to a disgrace:) there Were also early versions of the given program on wild mixture of codes and a BASIC: (from here and the version (already already 4y) the given program. On an input podgruzhaetsja a picture in a format standard spektrumovskogo the screen. On an output we have the table of attributes for sootvetsvennoj their arrangements with the subsequent reception of beautiful effect. What to not force the poor user pending loading of the program stares at the screen, predusmotrenno exhibiting of speed of a portrayal. Cea?aou the program it is possible in section download. At the program minimal requirements work on ZX-Spectrum 48k + TRDOS also is theoretically possible. If there will be any questions or wishes velkom in soap or write in feedback.