1995 - 1996, origin and ideas)
(Click a picture to zoom it.): 
Idea of doors;) or will tell more correctly, all the same windows, has arisen in the far end 1995 - the beginning of 1996. I for the first time have seen Windows 3.11 at my friend ShCheglinskogo Vitalik (Sierra Soft) on PC. I liked idea of windows and I have decided to realize something similar on ZX. The assembler I in those days knew not so well, as now and consequently wrote on basic'a, but already with use of a machine code (in particular, a conclusion sprajtov and strelochnyj the interface). As already earlier it was written, the first program from family DOORS - was View*Print. But it not absolutely so:) the first that has been thought up and realizovanno in the end of 1995 - Windows System Graphics Station. The given thing so anybody and never would see and has not learned, if not such thing as nastolgija and the decision of creation of the given site.

As it was written above, Windows
System Graphics Station should be addition
to Art Studio, differently it was a set of filters and effects for
work with a picture, every possible skrollery, a press
various fonts, the various size, work with parts of the
screen (cutting - pasting), plus was still idea to create
something of type of the small program for creation of cartoon films.
Fortunately poryvshis in archives (later 8 years!) I have found pair magic-files
with the crude version of the given program. If to whom it
is interesting, in section download
- it is possible skachat Windows
System Graphics Station and small mulfilm
with participation Top
Cat in a leaging role. Idea washing, to the schedule drew
Karput (Yurand.)
A little bit later
in the beginning of 1996 I get acquainted c Sergey
Gavrilikom (Tom
Hial) and Kuzmin
Victor (KVA)
and we create group Spectrum
Warriors Corp. (SWC.) Tom
Hial and KVA
helped me to master assembler and suggest to write a conclusion of windows to
the assembler and to make strelochnyj the interface. In passing
to me let know, that it is not necessary to use slogon Windows
and it has been decided
to use alternative name DOORS.
From me the variant of windows and work was required to draw only has
begun to boil. Having drawn some variants, we have stopped on
the second (on the right) as to realize color shifts of the first was
slozhnovato, and vygljadilo it (window) is
less attractive. In the further appearance of a window varied some times,
but the basic essence remained one and tazhe
:) In general
variants was more, but up to now has lived
only a few :( Apparently from heading of a window, externally it is more similar
to the interface windows
3.11, but there were variants both under OS/2,
and under MAC,
and even under Amiga
After a writing of procedures of a conclusion of windows and strelochnogo the interface, it has been solved what not bad to put into practice the received interface. By then I already had a version prgrammy for work with printer View*Print 3.4. Which allowed to unpack spektrumovskie pictures on the printer with various DPI. It has been solved it and to realize, as the first program under Doors, and work has begun to boil. I have estimated necessary options and menus which it is possible and it is necessary;) was to use, KVA has helped with drivers of the printer (for that time we knew only two schemes of connection of the printer to ZX is COMPACT + and ROBOTRON). In general, in practice, we tested the first variant as it has been realized at Tom Hial'a and all of us printed on its printer. But we shall return to View*Print. By the moment of realization the version has reached 4.5.
Here here the most interesting also begins. At that time I worked in shop;) as it was expressed Tom Hial - by the loader, only I not loaded the goods, and buyers, spodvigaja them on purchase of this or that goods:) Tom lived nearby, and here in a lunch break I have brought to it a diskette with source codes, so to say, to brag of successes in a writing of the program, KVA (it sat then at Sergey) have estimated and have asked to leave, what not in toropjah all to consider and if necessary, something to optimize. Well a pancake and naoptimizirovali. They have decided to be pinned. It was not difficult to calculate coordinates of buttons and semulirovat movements of the cursor therefore the monster has turned out:) in the Evening to me return a diskette, indifferently:) with words, that we here Optimized a pier a little, something... And so mysteriously smile:) On a question in what business, people evades and grit, that a pier all abruptly. We had a drink pivka, and I have gone home. Houses I have started a program and began to admire a kind of windows... And here my hair zashevililis. Imagine a picture when near to you anybody is not present, the keyboard is not pressed, and on the screen the cursor independently moves and starts to climb on options, to open and close windows! In general, washing cheljus has dropped out:) most iteresnoe that a little bit later they have admitted and have shown, where have corrected a code. Having corrected still some glitches and having cleaned from initial loading intro, I have let out version 4.8 in which as it has appeared again there was this podkolka:) in general, children have disguised it well! Having scattered slices on a code:) For those who wishes to look at this show, there is enough skachat View*Print in section download and having started, to wait some minutes! And the mysticism will begin:))))
In general, here so in prikolah and jokes idea Doors was born, the further destiny of "doors" read in following section, and here I only shall add: from the moment of an output view*print has passed some time, we have dispatched many friends spektrumistam, and have received responses: Mast/FTL:-it while unique windows on a spectrum which have liked me! IMP/DMS:-first, when I have seen, I have thought that it is next podkolka microsoft, but then having understood with the program, I have understood, that it is really necessary vesh if you will add up to the end, it will be healthy!
nda:) here and we write, up to the end!; D apparently from skreenshota on the right, Doors ' 97 did not exist:) basically. But having analysed chronology, it is possible to allocate following dates:
Program View*Print 4.5 - Doors ' 96 (version 1.0),
Program View*Print 4.8 - Doors ' 97 (version 2.1),
WorkBench 0.7 - Doors ' 98/99 (version 3.0),
Manster Navigator - Doors ' 2000 (version 4.0),
Well and planned kernal - Doors 2003 (version 5.0):)
Plans-plans well and Doors \AQUA (2004) (version 6.0); (
In end of the story, some endurance from help'a View*Print 4.8:
The description of program View and Print aapney 4.8 modified and expanded under requests of workers of Minsk!
The file environment is put in a basis of the program DOORS.
Further the exact copy of the description of version 4.5 follows, about differences of version 4.8 and promotion of affairs in the prompt realization DOORS read below...
1. Purpose V*Print for DOORS
The given version of the appendix raschitana for work with pk Sinclair 48/128E in file environment DOORS for TR-DOS.Iniiaiie the purpose of creation of the given program, was necessity of storage of greater (than 128) quantities of the files, a new format of storage of the information, introduction podkatalogovoj systems, beautiful window system and in general, than we (SPECTRUM) are worse than the same IBM. You give WINDOWS for the SPECTRUM!!! And pojavlas idea of creation DOORS for TR-DOS!
The given appendix is written for viewing and a press of screen files of format RGB. In budujushchem release of the new version for viewing files of format PCX and their listings is planned.
2. Conditions of performance programy View and Print
The appendix is efficient on computers of type of BYTE (BPO SVT) or e?aoi friend Spectrum compatible eoiiu?oa?a with volume of the RAM 48K/128 KB.
V*Prt4.x-actually program View and Print.
COMPACT + the-driver of the printer.
ROBOTRON the-driver of the printer.
3. Opportunities of program V*Print
Opportunity of a press, both in a positive, and in a negative. Viewing of screen files as in colour, and without attributes. Work of the appendix with any podkljuchenym to it the driver. The expanded opportunities of a press. Adjustment of system under any driver. Work with stores both 5 ' 25 ", and 3 ' 5 " (a mode of 720 KB) .udobnyj friendly dialogue with iieuciaaoaeai in window system. All options get out by means of eo?ni?a in the form of an arrow. Display in a window of the information on all occuring actions with a disk. An error message and nedopustmyh actions.
4. Management in program V*Print
4.1. Direct management
Unfortunately, management exclusively the keyboard (Q, A, O, P, SPACE). In following ae?nee this lack will be ono?aiai.
4.2. The information in a window
For performance of operation it is enough to guide an arrow at a word and to press fire/i?iaae/. Znachek in the left top corner of a window [-] a-output from an option.
5. If the printer does not print
Driver COMPACT + lays in a text kind on this diskette. In the same file its full description contains. (COMPACT +. A)
CODED by MINISOFT, modufued by KVA, Frends help by TOM HIAL
Koordinalnye, but not fatal completions in version 4.8
The most important, it that at last the program has at all remained it is chopped off from the read-only storage of/any/, that koordinalno has raised quantity of machines on which it ploughs. I/hope, at MASTSOFT'a we too shall start it! / the second, not less significant. It that for an output from an option it is not necessary to break a corner "-", is enough to descend from an option and to press fire a/blank!/.Aaeinoaaiiia a place where this number will not pass, it at sample of a name of a file. But it not strongly should afflict you as again there is no place it is not necessary to break. For an output it is enough to tire out an arrow in the top left corner and to press fire/blank. Well and thirdly, the interface, both inside, and outside has been a little changed.
As to the system I can tell in brief the following: owing to IMP'o, it has touched me from a place! And so BRAIN SURGERY, it charges me for work as a necessary charge of energy... And all rest, anyhow work boils: at the given stage razrabotanno a kernel of system/algorithm/, work above proektom OLE 2 is completed. System of teamwork in the environment..., and generally it is possible to read through on our WEB-pages ANCESTOR much more in detail, just it is already partially involved in it.
By the way, can ask at pisishnikov/pc users/, that such OLE system moreover 2. And if you want, that pisishnika "impact" has sufficed, tell, that it is realized on SPECTRUME 128K. And when, regained consciousness pisjukovich will finish the story, having added the minimal configuration, for not braking work... That vpolnee "impact" can probably suffice you... As, at the minimal volume eie-in processable objects by system, practically, it is not limited, and 200 mgts not trebutsja! All right, hare! Memory/48y/comes to an end, I shall tell only, that the system will have a flexible disk interface from a turbo loading/record by all processing of mistakes DOS'a. Plus can be added, that it will understand, what disk to it anoaaeee:TR-DOS, IS-DOS, MS-DOS, DISK-MONITOR... CP/M? (if friends with A?anoa will help the information!) I think, that for the beginning will be enough. Well and certainly formatting, copying and work with catalogues of the given systems.
Paralelno development of other appendices under DOORS.Yoi are conducted: and archive of data a/example of working page in READ ME options/, and the editor for OLE 2 systems, the editor of fonts, ikonok..., etc.
More shortly work the sea! But I not the individualist and consequently as soon as the working body will be finally generated and am debugged DOORS NAVIGATOR the/manager of files and disk operations / the kernel of system with entrance points for the prompt enrichment of system by new appendices will be shortly published.
Well here while on it and all.
17.2.1997 of Grodno
The text is modified, with corrections breeze and aga
03.01.2004 3:54 mornings!