\history \doors98/99
DOORS 98/99
(Year 1998 - 1999, real attempt to make system)
(For increase - press a picture):
During with 1998 for 1999 active work above kernalem versions 3 for DOORS 98/99. Kernal the given version was conducted represents library of procedures, including a conclusion of graphic elements. It rasprologaetsja in bank *01 from *C000 address also works through the resident with disk functions or if there was a necessity of work with procedures from others banok. In more detail a little below, and here I would like to tell about file system - DOORS Files System for TR-DOS.
Initial loading system is BIOS. At that time (1998-1999) system Plug'n'Play on PC has proved not as the best way, and many users of a spectrum complained, that the system of definition of a configuration of a computer not always corresponded to accuracy. A special pain of many was wrong definition kempston mouse and kempston joystick, because of incorrect connection of the given devices or in general wrong decoding of the trunk of data that led to misoperation of programs or simple lag of a computer. Therefore the decision was accepted: to write something of type BIOS'a - insertions which would replace BASIC128. B BIOS'a there is an opportunity of a choice of this or that configuration of a computer, a memory size, switching-off/inclusion of such devices, as kempston mouse, kempston joystick, modem, covox and many other things. All adjustments would be kept in CMOS, and the system in the further had not to test all anew, and would be to take a file of adjustments enough. In the given version the insertion was not tested in ROM, and started as the independent initial program (BOOT.B) besides because of absence CMOS, adjustments are kept in the form of a file (BIOSCMOS.SYS). After start BIOS'a (in particular after the offer to press key SPACE - for loading system), podgruzhaetsja a picture - logo systems-DOORLOGO.SYS and it is accordingly unpacked in screen area. Further podgruzhaetsja kernal systems DOORS - DOORFAST.SYS (prefix FAST, is meant that in the given version kernalja are used fast protsedu works with a disk, instead of through *3D13, there was also version DOORSLOW.SYS). Further in memory podgruzhaetsja a configuration file - CONFIG.SYS according to which or ipolzujutsja standard files of system, or there is an opportunity podgruzit own, for example as: Loading of a font 16X16 (*.BFT - big font type) and a font 6X6 (*.FNT - font) from directory Fonts, loading of the basic cursor from directory Cursors (*.CUR - cursor), loading of an allocation of the keyboard from directory Prefs (*.KBD - keyboard), loading of library ikonok from directory Prefs (*.DIF - Doors Icons File), loading and playing sempla during start of system (*.DAF - digital audio file), loading of wall-papers during start of system (*.NSF - normal screen file). As it is necessary to notice, that system DOORS supports system of subdirectories and Russian names of files, as for example - ?AA?OU.KBD and as you already could notice the trigram expansion which has been thought up still in 1996!. Then podgruzhaetsja the loader of system - STARTUP.SYS and management is transferred it, it in turn podgruzhaet file manager Speccy WorkBench - WORKBENC.COM and the system is started. (prim.: The sequence of loading of files is given mostly for an example as all varied, and I simply any more do not remember precisely)
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Now some words about WorkBench'a. The given file manager, unfortunately, has not been added up to the end, for the known reasons (it is copied completely kernal in D2k), however even in such condition it enables to carry out surfing on virtual directories and to start files. In WB the system relotsiruemyh libraries - DEL (Doors execute Library) for the first time is applied. In this case by means of library PRT 6X4. DEL to be deduced the text under icons. relotsiruemyh libraries DEL that such library can be loaded into any site of memory and at the first reference it herself adjusts notability on the given executed address, at the repeated reference it works as well as it is necessary, in data sluchaet deduces the text a font 6x4.
Continuing the story about WorkBench, I would like to pay attention to highlight WB is register FILETYPE.SYS (the Idea is taken at windows 95/98) according to which WB knew as to behave with a file at which this or that expansion, what file - what icon to display. As owing to register WB, could transfer parameters to the started appendix. For example, if to start the program for viewing pictures - SVIEW.EXE at start without parameters it will deduce simply information window as it is visible on skreenshote, however if (picture) WB podgruzit in memory all over again the program SVIEW.EXE also will transfer parameters that it is necessary to display picture KLAVA.NSF will address for example KLAVA.NSF. As all and with other programs. If WB it is not possible to find the demanded program for opening a file it displays sootvetsvujushchee the message on a mistake and navigation on files comes back in an initial condition, that is. By a successful call of the program, WB releases borrowed memory and transfers completely management to the loaded program. At an output from the program, WB zagruzhetsja again. Certainly it a little tormozno, but programs can use a greater memory size, especially if to consider that for that time at the majority of people more than 128k was not!
At display ikonok files WB uses a file - STANDART.DIF (is file Art Studio - Scrapbook), however is available an opportunity to use and own icons (the file *.ICO), as for example in program SVIEW is used own icon - SVIEW.ICO. Easier speaking, by default it is accepted, that files with expansion COM use a standard icon, and files with expansion EXE - own. Unfortunately, even at turbirovannyh procedures of work with a disk, display own ikonok, is strong torrmozit system: (therefore at simultaneous display of a plenty of files with own icons strongly brakes display. WB to have to read each file ICO from a diskette before it to display on the screen. On skreenshote at the left it is visible own icon of program SVIEW. Here table FILETYPE.SYS (the file contains data in the format and it is resulted in a text kind for an example) is resulted.
Further I would like to continue the story about little bit changed structure of disk TR-DOS. On a marking, quantity of sectors and tracks it is completely compatible to a standard format of a disk. However in heading of a file some changes:
Displacement | Original TR-DOS | Doors Modyfied | + *00 | The Name of a file
(8 bytes) | The Name of a file
(8 bytes) | + *01 | + *02 | + *03 | + *04 | + *05 | + *06 | + *07 | + *08 | Type of a file (1 byte) | Type of a file (3 bajta) | + *09 | The address of loading of a file
(2 bajta) | + *0a | + *0b | The size of a file in
bajtah (2 bajta) | The size of a file in
bajtah (2 bajta) | + *0c | + *0d | The size of a file in
Sectors (2 bajta) | The size of a file in
Sectors (2 bajta) | + *0e | sec on a disk (1 byte) | sec on a disk (1 byte) | + *0f | track on a disk (1 byte) | track on a disk (1 byte) |
Subdirectories are realized in the form of files with expansion GRP. Inside they has similar structure with the central catalogue of disk Track 0 sec 0. Exception makes - absence of the information on a disk on Tr 0 Sec 9. Any GRP the file has the first located file with expansion RET, track and sector which specify the parental catalogue! In total in group GRP record of 127 files + initial file RET (only 128) is possible. Thus on a disk probably to write down 128 subdirectories with 127 files in everyone, all on a disk in format DOORS - 16256 files against standard 128 files in TR-DOS. As on a diskette in format TR-DOS there is no opportunity to write down a file of less than 1 sector, and on a disk - 2560 - max 2688, quantity of files ostanavlivetsja on this figure!
As you could notice a little bit earlier, many expansions of files are reserved for work in system, however in practice, unfortunately, is realized a little, here now I and shall tell about them.
SCR, NSF, 2BP, TCS the-given type of files opens program SView. All of them represent the graphic screen. Files with expansion SCR and NSF - the usual screen in nepakovannom a format. Files with expansion 2BP represent dvubitplenovuju a picture - two screens follow one after another and are packed (in the given version by means of MS-PACK 1.96), Files TCS is a picture in a format 3 Color, in the given version is not modified and not supported!
HLP - the given type of files opens program Helper System. It is intended, as it is clear from the name:), for a call of the information. The HLP-file is a little pakovannyh the texts broken on items, at a choice of one of items at the left, the text is unpacked and displayed on the right.
From existing programs under DOORS 98/99 it has been begun, but nedopisano, two more programs. One for viewing, editing of files ikonok ICO, DIF - Icon Editor. In the given editor the opportunity of moving on library ikonok - DIF is realized. Editing an icon, change of its colors, skrollirovanie in various directions, mirror display, installation of the given block ikonok in memory for the test in WB is possible. But nektorye options, and have not been realized: (such for example as LOAD and SAVE. For work in the given version of the program the standard set ikonok is used.
Well and as in the conclusion, it is more for demostratsii, I wish to result one more example of the program - SPECCY AMP. The given version of the program is not able anything:) except for voproizvedenija the module of the musical coprocessor which has been sewn up directly directly in it. It was planned, that the given program will be used for reproduction of modules in a format - PtoTracker, ProSoundCreator and files of others trekerov. But for the clear reasons it has not been added: (
In general programs for work under control of DOORS, it and MORE - for viewing text files, and Digital Player - for reproduction semplov, Cursor Editor - for editing cursors, and many other things were planned some more. However all this could not be realized, owing to full change kernalja in D2k.
All above listed programs, you will find in section download, and here I would like to tell about structure of system DOORS 98/99 and a writing of appendices under it.
The first, that this switching-off of ROM 128 BASIC (to come in basic and to type USR0 then to leave in TRDOS by means of Randomize USR 15616) is necessary for normal work of system Doors 98/99. The system will work and without these manipulations, however system variables BASIC 128 will be jammed also it cannot is high-grade to work, that in turn can cause lag, dump of a computer or loss of data on a disk!
As it was informed earlier for work with kernel from *01 banks of memory the resident is used. The resident settles down in the field of the buffer of the printer, since *5B00 address and finishing *5C8E, borrows thus of 398 bytes. Addresses with *5C8F on *8100 are used by system: Workbench, Kernel Doors, TR-DOS. For correct work it is recommended to leave them alone and to not terrorize:) However memory since *8101 is absolutely free for use.
For a call of procedure from kernalja (DOORFAST.SYS), it is necessary - to specify a code of a command in accumulator A, in register pair IX to specify the address on given and to address to the resident to the address of *5B1D. Here the table of commands supported kernalem Doors 98/99.