ATM Turbo
Spectrum 128


\history \doors2000

DOORS 2000 (a part 6)
(Year 2000, the wind of the changes which have broken a roof, at all..)
A part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Function mzINIT - initialization kernalja disk operations Doors. It is caused once before start of system (OS) or own program. Has no parameters and does not demand entering data. On an output as does not give out any variables.

Function mzADDDR - ADD DRIVER. Adds in system the concrete driver. In register pair BC the address of the driver in memory is set. In reg. D - the bank of memory is set. In reg. E - a logic name of the device from 0 ? (A - Z) and all!!!

IN: In BC - the address of the driver, D - bank, E - eia.ono?-in
OUT: by default there are no target data

Function mzADDDRF - ADD DRIVER. Adds in system the concrete driver. It is reserved for further use here again it will not be described.

ATTENTION! It is recommended to use only mzADDDR.

Function mzDELDR - DELETE DRIVER. Disconnects particularly set driver from system. In accumulator A - the logic name of the device is set.

IN: In A - a logic name of the device
OUT: by default there are no target data

Function mzCURDR - establishes the current device by default. In accumulator A - the logic name of the device is set.

IN: In A - a logic name of the device
OUT: by default there are no target data

(Variables D2k)

Variables in Doors 2000 happen two types: cleanly information and then from them it is possible to read out only a condition (R/O - read only) and significant, i.e. having changed in them value is possible change of adjustments and the further work kernalja (R/W - read / write).

Name Type Byte Comments
pFLAG R/O 1 > If value not 0 then there is a reprint of a window
gSTREL R/O 1 Whether> the arrow Is included? Not 0 - it is included
pTEKID R/W 1 > Indetefikator appendices
pTEKSD R/W 2 > the Index of a current window
gKLFL R/W 1 > the Index of an operating mode of the standard driver of the keyboard: bit0 = LAT (0)/RUS (1), bit1 = None (0)/Caps (1), bit2 = On (0)/Off (1)
gDOBCLK R/O 1 > If not 0 then has occured DoubleClick
gCO_NEW R/W 2 > Coordinates of an arrow
pMEMDRV R/O 2 > the Address of the driver of memory
rPAG R/O 1 > Current page of memory
rPAGES R/O 1 > Eie-in pages of memory of all
pLASTC R/O 2 > Last pressed key

Here in pritsipe and all! You will find the Additional information in the appendix - here.

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